Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Summarize an article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Summarize an - Article ExampleIn support of this prediction, when participants in a lab experiment were frequently interrupted by inst messages, they reported greater stress and frustration while working on an separate task (Mark, Gudith, &Klocke, 2008). Reducing stress by checking email less much may have broader implications for well-being. People who experience more day to day stress report lower productivity and less meaning in life. This prototype of indirect effects points to the conclusion that checking email less frequently might have broader downstream consequences for well-being by reducing stress. Furthermore, lower stress is associated with other positive outcomes including higher mindfulness, self-perceived productivity, and sleep quality. Recent research suggests that some people feel stressed by email in part because others expect them to say quickly (e.g., Gillespie, Walsh, Winefields, Dua, & Stough, 2001).I believe checking emails less often reduces stress direct ly and indirectly in our lives thus affecting our well-being. E.g. in work place like of cater job, one has to constantly keep on checking mails to see who is ordering goods and this is very stressful in fact when you have a lot of clients.Therefore relative frequency of checking emails affects individuals well-being. Because one will not be able to note the work overload, they will not have to reply to the emails immediately thus reduced psychological stress results to positive well-being for an

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